Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The thing that I am most afraid of are rabbits. Why rabbits? Because as a child in elementary. I witness my first rabbit. The eyes were so scary and it’s vibe made me feel so uncomfortable. The way rabbits have silent movement creeps me out; only because it seem as if they’re always watching you. I guess, sooner or later I will adapt to liking rabbits.
The second most exhiliterating thing I’m afraid of is big busy streets. When I am near street I get nausous. The speeding cars make me faint. I believe I have an street phobia. When I first found out about this ordeal is when I was walking to the store and I was kind of toward the edge of the side walk and I became dizzy. So big busy street are scary, and I hate to encounter them walking.
Thirdly, I don’t like to sleep at night. Because I’m afraid I will never wake to see morning. And sleepin is hard because I have so much on my mind, where I can’t even thing of closing my eyes. So much happen when your not looking and another reason why I don’t like sleep.
Last but not leat; being lost. I have been lost so much I used to be afraid of it but now I not as much. When I was out of town I was lost for hours at a time, so that’s scary. I was afraid that we were never going to make it home. The state of being lost is a whole big experience because if you’re not, well, you don’t want to be. But rabbits, streets, sleep and being lost are the things I am afraid of.

Reflective paper

Kameshia Williams
December 4, 2007
Reflective paper

In my English 1010 class, when I first attended class it was fun and I though it was going to be like my other English class. Toward the middle of the semester, it had become one of those training for professional writers. The college-level readings and the writing skills. With me already taking an English 1020, some of the material was already familiar to me. One down fall I still lack is too many grammatical errors, but I feel I have improved a lot from last year. Therefore, that prepared me for academic grammar and the usage of appropriate writing style.

Wendy as a person is so wonderful. I just love her because she was so full of energy and understanding. Wendy-Summer Winters, her name explains everything because she is so seasonal and all around. She relates to everybody problems, she makes sure everybody is comfortable and knows what’s going on. Her energy just made me feel more engaged in the writings and reading that she prepared me for. When I got there I though she was going to be one of those off and on teacher but she proved me wrong.

The readings I read in Wendy’s class were so easy and had a flow. I could relate to all the reading to some part of my life. We didn’t do too many readings from the Language Awareness book. Wendy pulled a lot of online text for us to engage in. I read essays like “Street Haunting” by Virginia Woolf, which was complicated. Another reading that was complicated was “Hashish in Marseilles” by Walter Benjamin. Also “Going to Japan” one of the text from the Language Awareness book by Barbara Kingsolver.
The essays which were easy to me was “The Rake”, “Under the Influence”, “ In the Woods”, “So Long Ago”, and others which I could relate to. From family problems, drinking, and beating and memories all concluded the reading I mentioned earlier. Other ways Wendy helped me as a student were the blogs we were to do once a week. Which were basically free writes and some of the essays I did in class. I liked the blogs personally because it helped me mentally to have an open-mind.

The process which I must have to go though for a well written paper is not that long anymore. The authors made my writings more simple and effective for me. When I write now the reader can get a clear understanding, and the number of steps in a first draft paper. By reading the real world situated papers I can tell each author’s detailed and know what they were trying to get across to the readers. All the authors have their own techniques and points of views. Each essay were appropriate, so I was able to relate to the authors to master what message they were sending me as a reader.

The writing I did in class helped me as student to develop the ability to write different style I was taught in writing a essay. While writing these essays made me feel as if I was repeating my whole writing process over. While writing these essays I learned to combine my ideas with my readings in the text, so I can recognize the appropriate writing style. While writing, I learned to document my writing; that way I would not be borrowing authors’ words. I know I learned this process while in high school and also from my teacher from last semester stress this issue so strongly because its like stealing. Using quotations taught me the importance of using (MLA) format properly. After writing so many essays, the teacher brought in the processes that go along with writing my essays. I organize my essays by putting my ideas on paper, to create a draft which I can revise my work.

Peer review was used to share my ideas, and let others help me see some of my mistakes I made on my paper. Peer review, which was the best way to seek advice. To comprehend the writng process, I had to demonstrate quality for an academic college-level paper. As of now, I have gotten to the point were all of this is a refreshment and I’m pretty such it meet the requirement of an academic paper to get an A. I learned the flexibility of knowing what each type of essay meant. In the beginning I did not, but now after learning the next step in the essay process, it is not all that complicated. I discovered in writing all essays are not alike and I failed to realize that fact to now.

Each essay has a theme. To understand the theme, I must analyxe each type of essay. For instance, when quotations are used an author’s words are taken from an essay and put in my paper. The usuage of summary is when the author’s ideas and words are direct, but my opionion does not belong on the paper. When I paraphrase I must take direct words and put them in my own words. Parphrasing is summing up what I read. Synthesis, I learned that I must be able to tell what the authors are saying and compare and contrast the relationship of a group of essays. When using all the writing strategies in my paper, I have recognized and identified each standard academic grammar way of writing for a satisfactory grade. I have come to realize some factors that I am using to complete the requirements for being a successful writer.

Looking back from when I took my English 1020 class I thought I would never finish Wendy’s English class. I have done atleast five different types of essays, but all of them I have particully passed. I have a clear understanding of each essay, so I think if I could go back and do this class over and redo each essay I will succeed at a actual college level. Me knowing that I improved and knowing what I know now, I would get all A’s on my papers for my up coming 1020 class that I have to take over next semester. I have engaged in developing college-level papers and know what to expect so I am ready for what the road have in front of me, and I will continue to know so from now on and through out for any class that consist of writing.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Likes And Dislikes

List A
1) My two friends
2) Truth
3) Respect
4) Talking
5) Driving
6) Helping people in Need
7) Money
8) Giving Props
9) Kids
10) Pictures
11) Old Navy
12) IN Love with Massachusetts
13) Music
14) Clubbing

List B
1) Murders
2) Nasty attitudes
3) Rabbits
4) Paying for Internet
5) My small vocabulary
6) Blue
7) Small dogs
8) Someone who repeat themselves
9) Soapz
10) Pork
11) Basketball
12) Leather couches

A-11 like B-8

My number 11, which is Old Navy, and number 8 which is someone who repeat themselves over and over. A is like B because when you shop at Old Navy the people on the intercom repeat themselves for the ads of the week and personally it gives me a headache. Old Navy is an advertisements are place so its repeated in sales papers, on TV, radio, and by communication of person constantly. Like when you enter the store there is always the same greeting to everyone and it makes me mad because it sounds so fake. Then there is when I’m just looking at some of everything a sales associate comes behind me and ask me if I need some help and I say No! and another come over and ask the same thing so again my answer is No! then I hate myself because by now I am fired up from repeating myself.

A-4 not like B-5

Talking which is my 4 and driving which is my 5 are not alike because people don’t have to concentrate to talk. Talking come from a smooth skill of flow and basic communication. Driving on the other hand is a steady systematic process. With driving there is harsh communication and talking, you must properly speak with manners. Truth is because everyone has a few nasty words for the world of drivers. Talking is not like driving because first impressions are everything far as talking and when impressions go as in driving you get so many that people don’t care. True enough both are actions but differently they are physical and mentally done.

A-5 like B-7

Five is like seven because dogs don’t have and vocabulary so they are alike because small dogs do the same bark all the time and I use my all time favorite words like all the time. Mainly they are alike because they are small. They are greatly alike because a small dog can’t mingle with the big dogs unless he got the masculine bark and the same with me I wouldn’t dare single myself out because I have a small vocabulary just to talk to the brainy kids and adults. The perception of both is they are not broad enough to make it in the real world to severe.

In my short essays, I tend to use the words such as: same as, pretty much, is like, and because. Those are the words or phrases that I choose for preparing how I feel or what I think. Just by reading them, I can tell that I am a picky person and I would prefer perfect but I know there is no such thing. A person can read my essays and find some of the same ways I feel. Sometime my thoughts or what I try to say is not always clear. Writing sometime I don’t prepare my brain to expand a broad thinking process so when you read my writing it sound simply wrong and with no sense. By doing these type of writing it help a person think farther than what they see in front of them. Saying this because who would ever know that when you take something you like and something you dislike and make them relate to one another.
List A
1) My two friends
2) Truth
3) Respect
4) Talking
5) Driving
6) Helping people in Need
7) Money
8) Giving Props
9) Kids
10) Pictures
11) Old Navy
12) IN Love with Massachusetts
13) Music
14) Clubbing

List B
1) Murders
2) Nasty attitudes
3) Rabbits
4) Paying for Internet
5) My small vocabulary
6) Blue
7) Small dogs
8) Someone who repeat themselves
9) Soapz
10) Pork
11) Basketball
12) Leather couches

A-11 like B-8

My number 11, which is Old Navy, and number 8 which is someone who repeat themselves over and over. A is like B because when you shop at Old Navy the people on the intercom repeat themselves for the ads of the week and personally it gives me a headache. Old Navy is an advertisements are place so its repeated in sales papers, on TV, radio, and by communication of person constantly. Like when you enter the store there is always the same greeting to everyone and it makes me mad because it sounds so fake. Then there is when I’m just looking at some of everything a sales associate comes behind me and ask me if I need some help and I say No! and another come over and ask the same thing so again my answer is No! then I hate myself because by now I am fired up from repeating myself.

A-4 not like B-5

Talking which is my 4 and driving which is my 5 are not alike because people don’t have to concentrate to talk. Talking come from a smooth skill of flow and basic communication. Driving on the other hand is a steady systematic process. With driving there is harsh communication and talking, you must properly speak with manners. Truth is because everyone has a few nasty words for the world of drivers. Talking is not like driving because first impressions are everything far as talking and when impressions go as in driving you get so many that people don’t care. True enough both are actions but differently they are physical and mentally done.

A-5 like B-7

Five is like seven because dogs don’t have and vocabulary so they are alike because small dogs do the same bark all the time and I use my all time favorite words like all the time. Mainly they are alike because they are small. They are greatly alike because a small dog can’t mingle with the big dogs unless he got the masculine bark and the same with me I wouldn’t dare single myself out because I have a small vocabulary just to talk to the brainy kids and adults. The perception of both is they are not broad enough to make it in the real world to severe.

In my short essays, I tend to use the words such as: same as, pretty much, is like, and because. Those are the words or phrases that I choose for preparing how I feel or what I think. Just by reading them, I can tell that I am a picky person and I would prefer perfect but I know there is no such thing. A person can read my essays and find some of the same ways I feel. Sometime my thoughts or what I try to say is not always clear. Writing sometime I don’t prepare my brain to expand a broad thinking process so when you read my writing it sound simply wrong and with no sense. By doing these type of writing it help a person think farther than what they see in front of them. Saying this because who would ever know that when you take something you like and something you dislike and make them relate to one another.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

First Memory

Thursday, November 1, 2007

When I lost my fist tooth is the memory of my choice. It is the oldest vive memory because I was about six or younger even. This memory is a little painful to me only because getting your first tooth pulled is a scary experience. I have probably lost about four teeth. I can’t recall my front teeth ever being missing. There is one thing I can reassure you about and its called the ‘trick’. The trick that was played on me is most likely played on every young child. The teeth trick goes like this: “let me see your teeth, I’m not going to touch it”. But you repeatedly say no and the person that’s looking in your mouth is still proceeding to say, “let me see it, I’m just going to touch it and see how loose it is”. Oh, no! they just snatch that loose tooth on out your mouth. You don’t feel it until you see its our you mouth and the blood. Then tears develop and you begin to cry for nothing.My memory of that scene in my life was shocking to me. Then after, I wasn’t scared to lose a tooth after the first time process. It started out me in my room playing with my little brothers and we were jumping around playing. My brother makes a mistakes and brows me in my face and I’m like ouch! My tooth was already somewhat loose anyways, but we proceeded to play. So my mom had made us some candy apples and I was eating one, when I felt a sort of crack and I felt a breeze like extra space. So I touched my teeth it was sore; of course and I started to wiggle it. I told my mom and she wanted to see it, and me being a child I was like No! She said, “let me look at it, I’m not gon’ touch it”, and I let her.In addition, she did the opposite of what she said she wasn’t going to do. When she tried to pull it I yanked back and ran. While I was running she said, “let me look at it”, and I was constantly saying you said you wasn’t going to touch it. I looked in the mirror to see if it was still there and it was. It was the teeth next to the big front teeth next to that tooth. I’m guessing the third tooth from the left were the big one is located. I kept wiggling it all night, thinking its just going to fall out by itself. The next day we go over to my grandmother house and my mom tells my grandmother and aunt about it. I heard her saying it and when outside and played. Then my aunt Brinda came up to me and said, “your tooth loose”; and I said, “Yeah”. She goes to say let me see how loose it is. My answer was the same as usual but she kept asking so I ran outside and start back playing.My grandmother gets my momma to come get me and I came in the house and my grandmamma says, “let me look at the at teeth girl”, and I kind of gave her that look like no, but I can’t tell my grandma NO! I looked at my mom, she yelled at me, and said girl let her see that so and so teeth. I open my mouth very fast and closed it. Did it again and I almost bit her and she put her hand on my tooth and tried to pull it and I start crying. I said, “Grandma don’t pull it you said you wasn’t and I was holding her hands really tight. Then she said, “Look, look at that”, and I started to turn and before I knew it she had yanked my tooth on out my mouth and told me here, here go your teeth. I looked at her and cried like a big baby. After that my grandma pulled the same trick on every one else. It got to the point we start bringing each other to her and telling of a lose tooth. I was pretty much use to it and let my grandma do it from then on. It was no problem because I already knew what was going to happen.

Tragic Moments

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Tragic Moments (Memphis!)
The unsolved murder of Taylor Bradford was a shocking wake-up call. When I first heard the deaf of his murder on campus it stunned me because Sunday night I rode through I seen camera crews packing up about 1:30 a.m. Not thinking the unexpected of a murder just thinking the University of Memphis was just having an activity I didn’t know of. For me being a student I feel my life is at jeopardy because I feel if I’m staying on campus my life should be half-way protected by the law. I feel if we are harassed by police and watched all day then police should do the same to those who look up to no good.For some strange reason in my eyes, it seems as if every Sunday an athlete from the University of Memphis gets killed. Besides all of this I feel like being at home with nothing to do. With the murdering, the robbing, and assault happening up here on campus only makes it harder for me to stay on campus. This is something that I really want to do and my mother and grandmother is not going to recommend me to be up here if tragic moment like Sunday keep going on. I feel that the safety we as a whole paid for is not going as planned. The police that be on duty don’t be around to see crime. When I see our on-campus police I see atleast two of them; one closest by the railroad tracks and the other closest by Vernans and Desoto. So to keep random killings like these down.I feel that the police that are hired for the school should actually walk around so some of the crimes can be prevented from happening. Its hurts me to hear that someone has lost a loved one while trying to make something of himself. I think that is a big lost because knowing now parents see that school really isn’t a safe place. It’s even worst when a person is trying to make something of themselves and someone that isn’t half of what they see come and take it all away all out of being jealous. Which is hateful when I feel they can do the same and leave peoples’ lives out of it. It affect me highly that now the public and, now the school systems see how us teenager live when we are forced to go to school. And they think a place like school will keep us out of trouble it won’t. Whether the city of Memphis know it or not it only makes it worst because we be around our real enemies everyday and it only put all the students as a whole in danger.Personally, there is nothing I feel I can do about anything that goes on in the city of Memphis. If the governors and mayors aren’t in control there is not way the people in it can make it any better. The only way is to connect as a whole and put effort in to stopping crime and trying to get people to stay away from violence ways. Another way is to talk to the mayor that is being elected and see what possible solutions he or she has to suggest. And try to convince more safety patrol around the city of Memphis and make a stretch into an 24/7 watch service


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Stepfather! ******The Present Body*******
Stepfathers can be a pain, but mostly they are fun.When having a stepfather it makes you feel you have someone else besides your real father to talk to. In a sense a second opinion, but you can always look up to a stepfather. One advantage in having a stepfather is that you gave someone else father and the best part is you really don't have to listen to him. Unless you have respect for him. I have respect for my stepfather, but I'm not going to let him ru n over me. Reason is because I really dont listen tomy real father so why would i treat annother man with more diginity tha my father.One disadvantage is a father figure that's not your real father is always there. That can make you mad in the beginning if you're use to your biological father being present. I love my stepdad.Him and me bonded as a daughter/stepfather thing when I was about thirteen. It's been over ten years being around this funny, energetic, generous tall slim fellow. Having a stepfather is always like a backwards end story. Saying this because you build up from when you are older and it will make you dwell on the past. It's like it's funny how you grow old with a person and yu can love the stuffing out of them but can't stand their attitude. Ther were plenty of things that my stepfather taught me as I progress and growed up. I knowledged more work skills which I picked up from him. I was taught to fish, re-light a pilot, fix house appliances, and lots of other real life problems.Seeing the in the story Mamet and his sister had a hard time with their stepfather. Thats one other thing I would never let a person nor my stepfather put his hands on me withour doing something about it. Random abuse that Mamet sister was getting was unnessary. Because if it was me, my brothers and I would have took care of that problem before it escalated to a point wher any thing could get broken on my body. I dont think my stepfather would put his hand on me like their stepfather did in the story, unless we are playing. We play with each other a lot; like play fighting, making threatening joke towards one anothr and hitting each other and runnign. It never get serious where I develop wounds and injuries.
Posted by Kameshia Williams at 7:13 AM 0 comments
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