Thursday, October 25, 2007

This blog is going to generally be about people who play (do not act their age, does not stand an upright position of intelligence, unfocused individuals, or maybe I say an ignorant human being) too damn much. When people can’t function and make these characteristics possible are most likely the type of people I hate being around. Being playful is cool, but when you proceed to be unbearable. I let my ignorance out also with other individuals. Communication is a big part of human existence and when a person just makes it so that they have lack a big hole in that department; is the ugliest personally ever. Being playful can escalate in so many ways its point to be that way. Like in relationships.

Life in relationships, couples often have to learn that in a relationship is half in half, 50/50, a team as some would say. Some people are too playful to take something serious like this in consideration. Arguments where meant for a most relationships, me asking older people why would people who say they love each other act as if they are ready to kill one another? To take a guess at it I would say because a person can get some use to the partner silly playful ways, then when its time to get serious there is no act right among them. Getting people to act more mature, it probably would ‘irons out wrinkles’. The reason I mentioned that quoted opinion was because if people learn to act more civilize then, there wouldn’t be a problem with this issue of mine.

In conclusion don’t be so easy minded and make others unhappy!! Basically saying ; be yourself and make mature choices as in the way you perform and present yourself. I know I can be playful at times but never too playful were someone hates me. Only because I can control myself.