Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Likes And Dislikes

List A
1) My two friends
2) Truth
3) Respect
4) Talking
5) Driving
6) Helping people in Need
7) Money
8) Giving Props
9) Kids
10) Pictures
11) Old Navy
12) IN Love with Massachusetts
13) Music
14) Clubbing

List B
1) Murders
2) Nasty attitudes
3) Rabbits
4) Paying for Internet
5) My small vocabulary
6) Blue
7) Small dogs
8) Someone who repeat themselves
9) Soapz
10) Pork
11) Basketball
12) Leather couches

A-11 like B-8

My number 11, which is Old Navy, and number 8 which is someone who repeat themselves over and over. A is like B because when you shop at Old Navy the people on the intercom repeat themselves for the ads of the week and personally it gives me a headache. Old Navy is an advertisements are place so its repeated in sales papers, on TV, radio, and by communication of person constantly. Like when you enter the store there is always the same greeting to everyone and it makes me mad because it sounds so fake. Then there is when I’m just looking at some of everything a sales associate comes behind me and ask me if I need some help and I say No! and another come over and ask the same thing so again my answer is No! then I hate myself because by now I am fired up from repeating myself.

A-4 not like B-5

Talking which is my 4 and driving which is my 5 are not alike because people don’t have to concentrate to talk. Talking come from a smooth skill of flow and basic communication. Driving on the other hand is a steady systematic process. With driving there is harsh communication and talking, you must properly speak with manners. Truth is because everyone has a few nasty words for the world of drivers. Talking is not like driving because first impressions are everything far as talking and when impressions go as in driving you get so many that people don’t care. True enough both are actions but differently they are physical and mentally done.

A-5 like B-7

Five is like seven because dogs don’t have and vocabulary so they are alike because small dogs do the same bark all the time and I use my all time favorite words like all the time. Mainly they are alike because they are small. They are greatly alike because a small dog can’t mingle with the big dogs unless he got the masculine bark and the same with me I wouldn’t dare single myself out because I have a small vocabulary just to talk to the brainy kids and adults. The perception of both is they are not broad enough to make it in the real world to severe.

In my short essays, I tend to use the words such as: same as, pretty much, is like, and because. Those are the words or phrases that I choose for preparing how I feel or what I think. Just by reading them, I can tell that I am a picky person and I would prefer perfect but I know there is no such thing. A person can read my essays and find some of the same ways I feel. Sometime my thoughts or what I try to say is not always clear. Writing sometime I don’t prepare my brain to expand a broad thinking process so when you read my writing it sound simply wrong and with no sense. By doing these type of writing it help a person think farther than what they see in front of them. Saying this because who would ever know that when you take something you like and something you dislike and make them relate to one another.


Lightning15 said...

I feel where you are coming from in some cases. A small dog doesn't have to have a big bark to roll with the big dogs. All he has to do is not be afraid. Being afraid won't get you far in life so don't be afraid to step out on faith every now and then.

aoski said...

You have really good, creative information, just some areas of your writing are hard to follow. The wording gets a little confusing but great ideas!!